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Charles Szczepanek - Thinking About You

From Charles,

"'Thinking About You' is a song that I wrote so quickly, it was very nearly improvised. My wife, Aimee, was out, the house was quiet and lonely, it was near dusk and the light outside was slowly fading away magnifying my temporary isolation. I sat down on the bench and, while thinking about her, wrote this melody and these chords. It's really a musical representation of all of the emotion I was feeling in the moment: loneliness, longing, love, contentment, peace, and quiet happiness. It's really a "song" in nature (verses, choruses, and a bridge) and could easily have lyrics, although I haven't written any... but the last 6 notes of every chorus, if it did have words, would be "I'm just thinkin' 'bout you" and those words were right in the forefront of my mind as I played this song that evening."

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